In the run-up to this year’s midterm elections, a new poll finds Republicans to have an advantage, even among those more normally associated with the Democratic Party, Fox News informed.
According to the findings of a new NPR and Marist poll, when asked which party they would vote for in their district, 52 percent of Latino voters indicated they would vote for a Republican, while 39 percent said they would vote for a Democrat. Democrats also trail among voters under 45 years old, with 50% indicating they would vote for a Republican and 40% saying they would vote for a Democrat.
Latinos have generally favored Democrats, but recent data shows that the minority has begun to drift away from the party in recent years. Younger voters have historically favored Democrats, with 55 percent of those aged 30-49 voting for Biden in 2020 and 59 percent of those aged 18-29 opting for Biden.
Independent voters also favor Republicans, with 45 percent indicating they would vote for a Republican vs 38 percent who say they would vote for a Democrat.
However, both groups could help the GOP win in 2022, with 47 percent of voters saying they would vote for a Republican candidate vs 44 percent who said they would vote for a Democrat.
In the generic congressional ballot, Democrats have generally outpaced Republicans, but this is the first time the GOP has topped the poll since taking control of both the House and Senate in 2014. Democrats are currently trailing by three points six months before the elections, and a lead of just a few points could signal disaster for them.
President Biden’s approval rating is likewise at an all-time low, with 41% of people saying they approve of his job performance and 51% saying they disagree. Of those who disapprove, 37% express extreme dissatisfaction with Biden’s performance.
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