White House

D.C. Votes
By Colleen Flanagan Tomorrow decides the fate of the next four years of our country, who will be occupying the White House come January, as well as numerous state and local issues included on the […]

Focus Washington: 2012 Election & Conventions
Qorvis‘ Chuck Conconi sits down with Ron Faucheux to discuss the 2012 election. The presidential race as close to a tie as an election can be as Republicans and Democrats focus on rallying their […]

Focus Washington: Pollster Ron Faucheux Talks Outlook for Super Tuesday and the Congressional Race
Pollster Ron Faucheux, president of Clarus Research Group, stops by Focus Washington to discuss Romney’s win in Michigan, the outlook for Super Tuesday, and the battle for House and Senate seats.

Focus Washington: Pollster Dr. Ron Faucheux Talks on the Significance of Romney’s Victory in New Hampshire
Dr. Ron Faucheux, president of Clarus Research Group, stops by Focus Washington to discuss Mitt Romney’s win in New Hampshire and what the future of the GOP race may look like in the upcoming […]

Focus Washington: Adam Goldberg
Today, I spoke with Adam Goldberg, a partner at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, LLP. He also served in the White House as Special Associate Counsel to the President from 1996 to 1999, providing advice on crisis […]

Inaugural Ball Survival Tips
Welcome to the Inauguration I know that all the Washington insiders have said it is a waste of money and time to attend the Inauguration day festivities, especially the balls. There is something to that […]