A new Rasmussen poll showed on Wednesday that not only most Americans would not vote to reelect Joe Biden but a significant number of his voters in 2020 now regret their choice so if presidential election were held today only 37% would vote for him compared 43% that would vote for Trump.
Another 14% would vote for “some other candidate” without specifying which one.
But what’s more interesting as a latest indicator of Americans’ rising dissatisfaction with Biden is that Trump would this time win more votes among women and black.
Though Biden was perceived as a more competent leader than Trump in the months after the inauguration and election he won with 51.3% of the popular vote, compared to Trump’s 46.8%, the hasty pullout from Afghanistan and his handling of the chaotic situation has inflicted serious damage on his popularity.
Voters’ discontent with Biden in Rasmussen poll – taken on August 16-17 with 1,000 likely voters- shows blaming Trumps for the Afghanistan fiasco, something both Biden and his administration has been doing over the past several days in the midst of the US’ tumultuous exit from the country, is failing miserably.
It turns out that it is the rapid evacuation ordered by Biden, leaving Afghan civilians and American citizens vulnerable and trapped in Kabul, to blame for Afghanistan’s chaos and not the withdrawal deal negotiated by Trump, who blasted Biden’s handling of Afghanistan as the greatest embarrassment ever seen.
When it comes to Rasmussen responders, 51% place the blame for the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan on Biden, concerned about his performance in the chaotic situation, with 38% convinced that former President Trump is more to blame and 15% are not sure where to place the blame.
Similar sentiments were expressed by the Economist/YouGov poll’s respondents interviewed August 14-17. Majority of them (42%) aid they strongly disapprove of Biden’s handling of the Afghan crisis, pushing his overall job approval rating to 44%, his lowest rating yet.
Even more disturbing is the fact that is that only 36% believe in Biden’s ability to handle an international crisis while almost half of the Americans (47%) feel uneasy about his approach.
Another worrying issue worth noting is that Afghanistan fiasco made many Americans increasingly concerned about US national security with 48% of them now feeling a terrorist strike is at least 10% likely in the next 12 months.
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