Former State Department head investigator David Asher , whose team’s investigation into the origins of COVID was halted by the Biden administration, said Thursday it was sort of ridiculous to believe the virus passed naturally from animals to humans, New York Post reports.
Asher told Fox News’ “America Reports” they’ve found out there was almost no evidence that supported a natural zoonotic evolution or source of COVID-19 despite the claims of the American scientific community, including the National Institutes of Health and Fauci’s NIAID organization.
The probe was initially launched at the request of former Trump Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and led out of the State Department’s arms control and verification (AVC) bureau before ending this year over reports about its early findings.
Asher’s team investigated the two key hypotheses for the virus’ origins, one being the lab-leak theory that has gained credence when the Wall Street Journal reported over the weekend that three researchers there sought hospital treatment in November 2019.
This theory went through widespread media dismissal over the past year.
Asher rebuked in his interview former Assistant Secretary of State Chris Ford for what he called disgraceful behavior toward the investigation. Ford claimed the AVC probe had been kept secret from him and bypassed bypassed State Department and intelligence community biological experts, adding the lab origin theory was very possible.
Asher emphasized in his interview that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was the epicenter of synthetic biology in the People’s Republic of China and they were up to some very hairy stuff with synthetic biology and so-called gain of function techniques, later adding the odds of natural origin were extremely long.
According to Asher, the Chinese most certainly felt that NIH was supporting their gain of function research and claimed that the variants developed in the lab were not similar to anything, for example, what could occur in natural evolution.
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