GOP lawmakers on Wednesday proposed a $400 billion, 5 year transportation legislation, that channels huge amounts of funding aimed at transit systems, bridges and highways, CNBC informed.
The legislation arrives in the midst of talks between Senate Republicans and the White House about their competition in the proposing of infrastructure plans.
The bill revealed itself as some kind of a third option for funding of infrastructure plans, with a more specific focus on the matter compared to the plans of Senate Republicans and White House.
Missouri Rep. Sam Graves who is the lead sponsor of the legislation said that the its focus is on the core infrastructure that helps the mobility of people and goods throughout the day, curbs the red tapes that prolong construction and puts the resources under state and local control.
Compared to the legislation proposals that come from the Senate Republicans and the White House, Graves’ bill is a form of reauthorization of the currently enforced transportation bill that expires on September 30.
The STARTER Act or the Surface Transportation Advanced through Reform, Technology & Efficient Review Act, is set to increase the budget for surface projects for $100 billion which or by one third.
However, Graves’ bill does not cover elements of infrastructure such as mass transit, broadband, airports and water projects. These missing elements are all covered in the plans proposed by the Democrats and the Senate Republicans.
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