Biden Administartion is considering federal support for the nuclear industry aimed at bolstering carbon-free energy to meet emission goals, Fox News informed.
Jennifer Granholm, the Energy Secretary said that DOE did not subsidize plants in the history but this is the moment for reconsideration. She also added that achieving the climate goals might be very hard if the nuclear power plants are all closed and that there must be a way to keep them in operation.
The nuclear industry is faced with increased costs, an infrastructure that is aged, a competition of other energy sources as well as opposition in the political lines. Plans for closing 2 nuclear plants in Illinois emerged. Just one reactor was put online in the past twenty years. Georgia has 2 new reactors that are still under construction.
However, the US has more than 90 reactors that work, accounting to about 20 % of the US electrical generation and more than half of US’s emission’s-free electricity.
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