Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich on Monday reportedly rejected a recent report that Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, would take a stand against President Donald Trump if the impeachment inquiry go to the second chamber of Congress for a vote, Fox News informed.
Gingrich, who faced Romney in 2012 for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination, said on Fox News’ The Ingraham Angle that Romney does not have influence in the Senate given he represents “the old order,” or pre-Trump era, of the GOP.
“The truth is I don’t pay attention to Mitt Romney. I don’t think Mitt Romney matters in the long run of American political history,” Gingrich told Fox News Host Laura Ingraham. “He certainly does not matter in a Donald Trump Republican Party. I think he is a fossilized element of a party that is disappearing.”
Gingrich commented in reaction to a piece published in The Atlantic Sunday with the headline “The Liberation of Mitt Romney.” The story told how Romney now considers himself free of party constraints and instead, if necessary to secure his legacy would consider a vote in favor of impeaching Trump.
“I don’t think Mitt’s been in jail so I don’t know what he’s being liberated from,” Gingrich said. “In the end I have a hunch that Romney will be careful about all this, and I’d be a little surprised if he didn’t in the end vote against conviction if in fact it does come to the Senate.”
Ingraham also mentioned Roney’s recent rebuke of the United States’ intervention in the conflict in Syria.
“What we have done to the Kurds will stand as a bloodstain on the annals of American history,” Romney stated.
Gingrich said that remark was a “fairly ignorant comment about Turkey. Turkey is a fairly large country with a fairly large military. Our major airbase in the region is in Turkey. Anybody who’s suggesting that you can just shrug off Turkey doesn’t understand anything about the power structure of the Middle East.”
“Last week for the first time in the 100 year history of the Packers, Aaron Rogers had a perfect game. There’s a lot to learn from not throwing interceptions and not fumbling,” Gingrich said. “And, I think the White House could slow down a little bit and give us a couple weeks of error free ball.”
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