The value of goods traded between Russia and the United States stood at 1.45 billion in January, a 3.8 percent decline year-on-year, Russia’s Federal Customs Service (FSS) said on Monday, according to Russia Business Today.
Russian exports to the United States fell by 3.4 percent and amounted to $775 million, while imports from the United States fell by 4.2 percent to $675.9 million, the FSS data says.
At the same time, the United States’ share in Russia’s overall foreign trade went up slightly from 3 percent to 3.1 percent over the given period, according to official data.
The data also showed that trade between Russia and the European Union had dropped 9.3 percent over the given period and totaled $20 billion.
Russia’s exports to the European Union fell by 7.8 percent to $15.35 billion, while Russia’s imports from the European Union declined by 13.7 percent to $4.71 billion.
The EU share in Russia’s foreign trade dropped from 44.6 percent to 42.8 percent between January 2018 and January 2019.
The country’s total foreign trade turnover in January amounted to 47.2 billion dollars, a decrease of 5.4% compared with the first month of last year. The balance of trade was positive in the amount of $16 billion, which is $2.4 billion less than in January 2018.
Total Russian exports in January-2019 amounted to $31.6 billion (minus 7.4% in annual terms). The share of foreign countries accounted for 89.4%, while CIS countries made up 10.6% of Russia’s foreign trade. The share of fuel and energy products, which are the basis of Russian exports, decreased from 68.6% a year ago to 67.4%, FCS data shows.
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