Despite the President’s attorney Rudy Giuliani claiming his client didn’t sign a letter of intent to move forward with negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Russia, a new document shows he, in fact, did.
CNN obtained a copy of the letter of intent which allowed for negotiations on Trump condominiums to begin. The letter is from October 28, 2015, and is signed by President Donald Trump. However, on Sunday Giuliani denied that Trump had signed the letter.
“It was a real estate project. There was a letter of intent to go forward, but no one signed it,” he responded when asked by CNN’s Dana Bash if the letter was signed.
The document was also signed by Andrey Rozov, the owner of the Russian firm that would have been responsible for developing the hotel and commercial property in the heart of Moscow.
CNN writes that then-candidate Trump said nothing of the potential deal to the public, adding that the lucrative project led him to speak positively about working with Russian President Vladimir Putin and minimizing Russia’s aggressive military moves around the world.
Giuliani also said on Sunday that Trump and his former lawyer Michael Cohen spoke about the Moscow deal later than January 2016, contrary to Cohen’s claims to Congress that negotiations to build Europe’s tallest building stopped that month.
“According to the answer that he gave, it would have covered all the way up to November of — covered all the way up to November 2016,” Giuliani said, referring to the President’s written answers to special counsel Robert Mueller.
On Tuesday, Giuliani said that the question to President Trump from Mueller was more generally asking if he talked to Cohen about the project, but it was not about specific dates or conversations.
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