President Donald Trump tweeted Sunday about the latest figures concerning his approval rating, falsely claiming they were higher than they actually are.
“Over 90% approval rating for your all-time favorite (I hope) President within the Republican Party and 52% overall,” he tweeted. “This despite all of the made up stories by the Fake News Media trying endlessly to make me look as bad and evil as possible. Look at the real villains please!”
However, the latest poll conducted by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News, released on Sunday, shows that the President’s approval rating is in fact 44 percent and that 52 percent of voters actually disapproved of his performance.
Such figures followed two legal developments revolving around former Trump associates – his former personal lawyer Michael Cohen and former campaign manager Paul Manafort.
The poll did, however, find that President Trump’s approval rating within his party is indeed 90 percent, while among Democrats it is only 10 percent.
Prior to Cohen’s guilty plea, 46 percent of registered voters approved of the President’s job, while 51 percent didn’t, which indicates legal blows to President Trump have not affected his supporters’ loyalties.
According to the poll’s findings, 56 percent of voters say that Trump had not been honest about special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible collusion between his 2016 presidential campaign and Russia.
The initial poll of 900 registered voters was conducted August 18-22. The follow-up poll of 600 voters was conducted after the Manafort-Cohen news broke out, between August 22-25. The margin of error for the initial poll was +/- 3.27 percentage points and the follow-up poll had a margin of error of 4 percentage points.
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