President Donald Trump on Monday honored fallen service members at Arlington National Cemetery, saying that their love for the country was “more deep and more pure than most will ever know.”
“They marched into hell so that America could know the blessings of peace. They died so that freedom could live,” he said on Memorial Day.
The President also honored the families of the fallen, acknowledging “the depth of emotion that this day brings each year” to the loved ones of those who died in combat.
“To every parent who weeps for a child, to every child who mourns for a parent and to every husband or wife whose heart has been torn in two today we ask God to comfort your pain, to ease your sorrow and to wipe away your tears,” Trump remarked. “This is a very special day and today our whole country thanks you, embraces you and pledges to you we will never forget our heroes.”
The President delivered remarks at Arlington after he solemnly placed a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and stood in silence as a bugle played “Taps.” Several living veterans were also honored. Among them was former Republican Senator Bob Dole and Ray Chavez, the oldest living survivor of the Pearl Harbor attacks.
On Monday, the President also took to Twitter, writing that the fallen service members would “be very happy and proud at how well our country is doing today.” Trump went on by touting his successes as president, including the good state of the economy, the low unemployment rates and the rebuilding of the military.
Senator Lindsey Graham also tweeted his gratitude to “the American heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice defending” the values of the United States and protecting its citizens’ freedoms.
Former President Barrack Obama tweeted, “We can never truly repay the debt we owe our fallen heroes. But we can remember them, honor their sacrifice, and affirm in our own lives those enduring ideals of justice, equality, and opportunity for which generations of Americans have given that last full measure of devotion.”
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