The online biography of the professor Joseph Mifsud, who is linked to the FBI’s investigation of Russia has been removed from the website of Link Campus University in Rome. Mifsud is a professor of political science and international relations. He taught at the University for years. Now the information for him is missing from the school’s website, with all references to the professor gone from faculty pages and links to his biography leading to a 404 error page, The Hill informs.
The University did not want to tell whether Mifsud is still working there and a spokesperson previously said that the professor worked there on a varying contractual basis.
Unnamed LCU professor told BuzzFeed News that he and other colleagues haven’t seen the Maltese academic on the Rome campus in many weeks. An unnamed source from the University in November told BuzzFeed that Mifsud was one of the main drivers behind LCU’s partnership with a string of international entities and universities, including Lomonosov Moscow State University, one of the most prestigious universities in Russia.
According to court documents, Mifsud has reportedly told former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos in 2016 that the Russian government had compromising information on Hillary Clinton. Mifsud and Papadopoulos cooperated for several months and wanted to arrange a meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, but the idea was rejected in the end by Jeff Sessions. It was also reported that Mifsud introduced Papadopoulos to Olga Polonskaya and lied to him that she was the niece of Putin.
Additionally, Nagi Idris, the director of the London Center of International Law Practice, the organization with which Mifsud and Papadopoulos claimed to have been affiliated in the past, is also missing from the LCU faculty pages.
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