President Donald Trump’s greatest strength is the economy, new Gallup poll has shown. About 45 percent of the surveyed approve of how the president handles the economy in his job as president, while 51 percent do not approve his handling of the economy. This is not something new. A year ago, shortly after the victory over Hillary Clinton, six in ten Americans expected Trump to improve the economy.
About 59 percent of the respondents do not approve what Trump is doing in the White House, while 37 percent approve it. Second highest approval Trump is getting about the handling of the taxes. About 37 percent of the respondents have said that they approve the way the president handles the taxes, while 55 percent do not approve it. This is a significant thing because both House and Senate pursue tax reform legislation.
The lowest approval rating is for healthcare policy. Only 31 percent of the respondents have said that they approve the way Trump handles it, while 64 percent do not approve it. The results come amid Republican attempts to repeal and replace ObamaCare. That was something that Trump promised to do during his campaign, The Hill reports.
Trump doesn’t have a big support for the way he handles the situation with North Korea. About 35 percent of the respondents have said that they approve the way Trump handles it, while 60 percent think the opposite. Only 33 percent of those surveyed approve the way Trump handles the foreign affairs, while 61 percent do not approve it.
The poll surveyed a total of 1,028 individuals over the age of 18 and was conducted Nov. 2-8, as Trump embarked on a tour of five Asian countries.
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