Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla claimed on Thursday that no evidence has been provided by the U.S. to support its accusations that the sonic attack on American diplomats in Cuba was deliberate. It also brought another question into focus, whether the attack is only used by the Trump administration to undo recent progress in creating closer relations between the United States and Cuba.
“There is no evidence, there is no evidence whatsoever, of the occurrence of the alleged incidents or the cause or origin of these ailments reported by U.S. diplomats. Neither is there any evidence suggesting that these health problems have been caused by an attack of any sort during their stay in Cuba,” Rodriguez Parrilla said.
He added that the diplomat’s health problems were used to damage bilateral relations, and maintained that the U.S. government is politicizing the issue and has to stop. The minister pointed out that his government has not been provided with proof suggesting President Donald Trump’s claims that it was Cuba’s fault over 22 U.S. diplomats suffered health problems were true.
In October, Trump expressed his strong belief that Cuba was to blame and was criticized by Rodriguez Parrilla for his “disrespectful and offensive statements on Cuba.” The Cuban minister also said that claims of a sonic attack on the diplomats are deliberate lies.
Rodriguez Parilla repeated several times that Cuba has granted the FBI access to sites, while Cuban doctors have not been allowed to meet with American counterparts in order to find out more about what the U.S. is claiming.
In reinforcing his assertions that Cuba had nothing to do with the diplomats’ health problems, he said the “diversity of their symptoms cannot be associated to a unique cause,” adding that no known technology could be used to selectively aim a sonic attack on individuals. Rodriguez Parilla also condemned the U.S. for their vote against the embargo on Cuba being lifted.
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