D.C. Votes
By Colleen Flanagan Tomorrow decides the fate of the next four years of our country, who will be occupying the White House come January, as well as numerous state and local issues included on the […]
By Colleen Flanagan Tomorrow decides the fate of the next four years of our country, who will be occupying the White House come January, as well as numerous state and local issues included on the […]
Bob Cusack, editor of “The Hill” stops by Focus Washington to sit down with Qorvis’ Chuck Conconi to discuss the fundraising efforts of both Mitt Romney and President Obama, and Cusack weighs in on the […]
Dr. Ron Faucheux, president of Clarus Research Group, stops by Focus Washington to discuss Mitt Romney’s win in New Hampshire and what the future of the GOP race may look like in the upcoming […]
Wyeth Ruthven, senior director at Qorvis, stops by Focus Washington to discuss how Twitter trends provide insight into how the GOP candidates will fare in Iowa.
Dr. Ron Faucheux, President of Clarus Research Group and Washington pollster, talks to Chuck Conconi about the results of the Iowa caucus.
As it turns out Samantha Sault, deputy online editor and fashion columnist for the Weekly Standard, also knows a thing or two about men’s fashion. Today, we had the opportunity to chat about men’s fashion […]
I had the opportunity to talk with well-known Washington DC pollster, Ron Faucheux, President of Clarus Research Group, about the dramatic drop in President Obama’s approval numbers.
Welcome to the Inauguration I know that all the Washington insiders have said it is a waste of money and time to attend the Inauguration day festivities, especially the balls. There is something to that […]
It was April 3rd, more than 40 years ago, that Dr. Martin Luther King told a Memphis audience that he had been to the mountain top. He prophetically said, “…I’ve looked over and seen the […]
It is fascinating to see so much concern Caroline Kennedy might be appointed to the New York senate seat vacated by Hillary Clinton. All of a sudden, a number of Clinton supporters who are still […]
Doug Poretz, a founding partner of Qorvis Communications, talks with me about the role of communications in the current economic crisis and the future role of communications in the Obama Administration.
With extensive experience on Capital Hill and considered one of the leading experts on the U.S. budget and congressional budget process in Washington, DC, I asked Stan Collender, one of the leading experts on federal […]
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