President Donald Trump’s new budget proposal is going to include billions of dollars to oppose the opioid epidemic, which several months ago was declared by the White House as a national public health emergency that is plaguing the country.
According to The Hill, the White House’s fiscal 2019 budget, set to be released Monday, will include nearly $17 billion for the opioid epidemic that’s killing more Americans per year than car accidents, according to an outline from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
The large sum of money will be mostly used by the Department of Health and Human services to expand prevention, better treatment, recovery as well as offering mental health services. The first year will be more concentrated in planning and setting the infrastructure for the public service, and for that reason only $3 billion are allocated for 2018, while $10 billion are planned for 2019, OMB stated.
The two-year budget deal Congress passed includes $6 billion over the next two years to help with mental health and opioid addiction. OMB’s outline says the president’s budget will account for the recent spending caps deal, The Hill reported.
President Trump declared the epidemic a national public health emergency in October, with extending the crisis for additional 90 days last month.
According to national statistics, there is an increase of nearly 28 percent from 2015 to 2016 in opioid overdose deaths, as this rising rate alarmed many addiction advocates, which are arguing that Congress needs to spend more money in order for an effective program.
Every year the White House releases their budget proposal, but with Congress having the key of the treasury, many of the changes done by the presidents are being ignored. For that reason their budget is usually used as means to show what the White House priorities are in the upcoming year.
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