A respected Yale psychiatrist received thousands of death threats after last month he warned lawmakers on Capitol Hill that President Donald Trump’s mental health is a threat to everyone.
An “internationally recognized expert on violence,” according to her Yale University profile, said she has received the threats by email, phone and “mostly by Twitter,” though they have “calmed down a little bit.”
“I was concerned because I was getting a thousand threatening messages a day at one point,” Lee said.
Although the president received a perfect score on a cognitive assessment test during his recent physical exam, Lee said Trump is dangerous because of the violence in his words and actions.
Lee has been accused of violating professional ethics by assessing the president’s mental health without having examined him, but she said she is speaking out because of her concern for the country’s welfare and not making a diagnosis.
She asserts Trump’s statements and behavior have already increased gun violence and bullying in the United States and that his references to the nation’s nuclear arsenal threaten the world.
“My concern is not Mr. Trump’s personal mental health,” she said. “It is the threat that he poses to the public by virtue of occupying the office of the presidency, and I am acting on my obligation to the public, as professionals have an obligation to the public and not just to their private patients.”
According to the Hill, Lee reportedly warned lawmakers that Trump is “going to unravel.”
“We feel that the rush of tweeting is an indication of his falling apart under stress. Trump is going to get worse and will become uncontainable with the pressures of the presidency,” Lee said to the reporters who first reported that Lee met with lawmakers on December 5 and 6 in order to brief them on Trump’s mental state.
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