Your Daily Polling Update for Friday, August 9, 2019
Down 1 from yesterday
RON’S COMMENT: Today’s average is based on four polls, ranging from 41% (Morning Consult) to 47% (Rasmussen). Without these two extremes, it would be 45%…. President Trump’s disapproval rating averages 54% today (+2 since yesterday), which is 10 points higher than his approval rating.
Among voters nationwide
If the election for president were held today with Donald Trump as the Republican running against a Democratic Party candidate, who would you vote for?
Democratic candidate: 48% (-2 since last week)
Trump: 39% (+1 since last week)
It depends: 10%
RON’S COMMENT: The “generic” Democrat is now ahead by 9 points, down from 12 points last week.
Among voters statewide
Joe Biden over Donald Trump: +8 (49-41)
Bernie Sanders over Donald Trump: +4 (47-43)
Elizabeth Warren over Donald Trump: +1 (44-43)
Donald Trump over Kamala Harris: +1 (44-43)
RON’S COMMENT: North Carolina has become a presidential swing state that Trump carried last time 50-46. This poll shows three Democrats leading him, with Biden doing best…. In the trial heat against Biden, Trump is winning men by 2 points, losing women by 18 points, winning whites by 17 points and losing blacks 76-9.
Among Democratic caucusgoers/primary voters in each state
Joe Biden: 28%
Elizabeth Warren: 19%
Kamala Harris: 11%
Bernie Sanders: 9%
Pete Buttigieg: 8%
Tom Steyer: 3%
Amy Klobuchar: 3%
Andrew Yang: 2%
Kirsten Gillibrand: 2%
Candidates with 1% or less not listed
RON’S COMMENT: Biden holds first place in Iowa and Warren, now second, is leaving Sanders in the dust. Warren, who moved up 12 points since April, still has room for more growth: She has the best favorability rating among Democrats in the state: 76% favorable/14% unfavorable. While Biden maintains the voter support he had in April, his favorable rating has slipped from 78% to 73%. Sanders is 58% favorable/33% unfavorable, a decline from 67%-26% four months ago…. Recent entrant Steyer now leads O’Rourke and Booker, and ties Klobuchar, in Iowa.
Joe Biden: 25%
Elizabeth Warren: 21%
Bernie Sanders: 18%
Kamala Harris: 17%
Pete Buttigieg: 6%
Amy Klobuchar: 3%
Tom Steyer: 3%
Andrew Yang: 2%
Candidates with 1% or less not listed
RON’S COMMENT: This California poll is bad news for Harris. After five weeks of heavy media attention, she’s running fourth in her home state. This big, early primary offers a boatload of delegates…. Electability: 43% of primary voters say Biden has the best chance to defeat Trump, while 15% say Warren, 14% say Sanders and 10% say Harris…. Among African American voters, Harris leads with 39%, Biden is second with 31% and Sanders is third at 17%. AmongHispanics, Biden (26%) and Sanders (24%) are battling for the lead. Warren is third at 18%…. Recent entrant Steyer now leads O’Rourke and Booker, and ties Klobuchar, in California.
Joe Biden: 36%
Bernie Sanders: 15%
Elizabeth Warren: 13%
Kamala Harris: 8%
Pete Buttigieg: 5%
Candidates with 1% or less not listed
RON’S COMMENT: Biden holds a wide lead in this primary. Among African American voters, Biden wipes out the field: He wins 57%, followed by Sanders (10%), Warren (7%) and Harris (5%). Harris does much better with North Carolina’s whites (9%) and Hispanics (11%) than blacks…. Biden’s strength is generational: He gets 58% of voters 65 and older, while his support level among voters 18-34 is 22% and 27% among voters 35-49.
Joe Biden: 28%
Elizabeth Warren: 21%
Bernie Sanders: 12%
Kamala Harris: 8%
Pete Buttigieg: 6%
Cory Booker: 2%
Candidates with 1% or less not listed
RON’S COMMENT: Biden leads Pennsylvania, the state where he was born. But Warren is narrowing the gap, now running a respectable second. Warren also leads among second choice votes.
Presidential job rating average based on recent nationwide polls.
TRUMP VS. GENERIC DEMOCRAT: The Economist/YouGov, Aug. 3-6
IOWA: Monmouth, Aug. 1-4
PENNSYLVANIA: Franklin & Marshall, July 29-Aug. 4
NORTH CAROLINA: SurveyUSA/Civitas, Aug. 1-5
When poll results add up to more than 100%, it is usually due to rounding.
L = Libertarian candidate
G = Green Party candidate
Ind = independent candidate
O = Other candidate(s)
D poll = conducted by or for organizations generally associated with Democrats.
R poll = conducted by or for organizations generally associated with Republicans.
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