Former Trump adviser Roger Stone stated that the indictment against him which is part of the Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe is an attempt to silence him because he supports President Trump, Fox News informed.
“This is meant to silence me,” Stone said in an exclusive interview on “Hannity.”
“They’re trying to criminalize legitimate political inquiry,” Stone said. “They’re trying to criminalize free speech, which is really what this is about.”
Stone was arrested last Friday on charges of obstruction, making false statements and witness tampering.
The indictment does not charge Stone with conspiring with WikiLeaks, the anti-secrecy website that published emails of Democrats during the 2016 campaign, or with the Russian officers who Mueller says hacked them. Instead it charges Stone of lying about his interactions related to WikiLeaks’ release during probes by Congress and Mueller’s team.
It said that during the summer of 2016, Stone met with senior Trump campaign officials about WikiLeaks and information it might have had that would be damaging to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
Stone, on the other hand, argued that the real reason behind this indictment against him was much more simpler.
“Look, I honestly believe that they’re going to try to charge the president and the vice president with some hoped-up frame of Russian collusion,” Stone said on Monday night. “That way they can make [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi president. She can make Hillary Clinton vice president and then step aside. It’s a nightmare but I think that’s what they have in mind.”
“There is no Russian collusion,” he continued. “I had no collaboration with WikiLeaks. I’m not charged with conspiracy. Believe me, if they could’ve made that case they would’ve. But they want to silence me because I will stand up for Donald Trump. That’s what this is really about.”
In the interview Stone reiterated his support of President Trump while doubling down on criticism of the Mueller investigation.
“This is not only an effort to silence me because I support Donald Trump … and I’ve been a critic of the Mueller investigation … and I think Donald Trump is making America great again,” he said of his relationship with Trump. “He’s my friend of 40 years. I have great affection for him and his family. I’m not going to testify against him because I possess no negative information. There is no Russian collusion. This is a witch hunt.”
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