Law professors are calling on Democrats to increase the number of judges in all of the nation’s federal courts and pack them with liberals. This call comes a month after the confirmation of Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh made a 5-4 conservative majority on the Supreme Court, Fox News informed.
Far-left Harvard professors Mark Tushnet and Laurence Tribe gave their support to the so-called “1.20.21 Project,” which was initiated by political science professor Aaron Belkin to counter “Republican obstruction, theft and procedural abuse” of the federal judiciary.
The rhetoric reflects the professors’ apparent surprise after Democrats lost the 2016 presidential election, which they had hoped would allow the party to continue appointing liberal judges and justices.
He wrote that liberal judges who “no longer have to be worried about reversal by the Supreme Court” could be useful in marginalizing those Republican “losers,” whom he compared to the defeated Japanese in World War II or the Confederacy in the Civil War.
The fast pace of the appointments of conservative judicial has frustrated some of the assumptions of liberal law professors like Tushnet, who wrote just two years ago:
“Right now more than half of the judges sitting on the courts of appeals were appointed by Democratic presidents, and – though I wasn’t able to locate up-to-date numbers – the same appears to be true of the district courts.”
Still, this latest effort also underscored the intensely left-leaning politics of most of the nation’s academia. During Kavanaugh’s confirmation process, thousands of progressive law professors signed a letter saying Kavanaugh’s temperament during Senate Judiciary Commitee hearings in September was disqualifying. Kavanaugh forcefully denied the uncorrobroated attempted rape and other sexual misconduct accusations against him.
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