Toblerone chocolate is about to look a bit different. The famous Toberlone chocolate is to lose the image of the Matterhorn mountain peak from its branding due to a change in where it is made.
Originally made in Switzerland, it is now mostly made in Slovakia.
There are strict rules about the use of Swiss iconography. Therefore, Toberlone is going to have to drop its classic logo due to its new location of where it’s made.
The chocolate bar consists of nougat, almonds, and honey, and is shaped into triangle-chunk mountain peaks. The packaging features the 14,690 foot tall Matterhorn mountain in the Swiss Alps.
Now a more generic mountain will be used.
Not only will the mountain on the packaging change, but there will also be a new typeface, and it will feature the signature of its founder, Theodor Tobler.
Studies have shown that certain products branded as “made in Switzerland” are sold at a price 20 percent higher than comparable goods from other origins, with the sale price rising by up to 50 percent for luxury items.
Mondelez said that there is an increased demand for the product around the world, and part of this has included the new marketing and production of the product.
“The packaging redesign introduces a modernized and streamlined mountain logo that aligns with the geometric and triangular aesthetic,” a Mondelēz spokesperson told the Aargauer Zeitung newspaper. Toblerone packaging will now read “established in Switzerland”, rather than “of Switzerland”.
The bar first went on sale in the Swiss capital of Bern in 1908, with the company remaining independent until 1970 when it merged with the company that made Milka.
The chocolate bar is now owned by Mondelez, a U.S. multinational confectionery, food, holding and beverage, and snack food company. The company has its origins as Kraft Foods Inc. Toberlone was bought out by Kraft, which later spun off to Mondelez in 2012.
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