John Kerry, the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, issued a warning on Thursday that the world’s switch to renewable energy is not proceeding quickly enough, Fox News informed.
Kerry said during a Washington Post-sponsored event that in order to avoid the future human and financial costs of climate change, nations around the world must hasten the switch from fossil fuels to green energy by “massive proportions.” The top Biden administration official specifically stressed that the deployment of renewable energy sources and electric vehicles must proceed much more quickly than it is today.
It just won’t be fast enough for the US to rush around and do one custom deal here, Kerry said during the event, adding that everything needs to accelerate dramatically.
Kerry advocated for accelerating six times the current rate of renewable energy deployment.
He added that if we want to keep the Earth’s temperature increase to 1.5 degrees, we must deploy electric vehicles 20 times faster.
This, according to Kerry, is crucial because every tenth of a degree above 1.5 puts you into an area that scientists will describe as extremely risky and unexplored, and dealing with it will cost significantly more money.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the United Nations (UN) has encouraged national and international authorities to take steps to stop global warming from exceeding 1.5 degrees Celsius. The group has cautioned that failure to prevent heat from rising above that point may have catastrophic effects on the entire planet.
Since President Biden selected Kerry as the first-ever special presidential envoy on climate at the State Department in early 2021, Kerry has met with world leaders at UN and other international climate conferences to discuss preventing global warming strategies. He has frequently advocated for a quick transition to renewable energy sources like wind and solar in order to drastically cut carbon emissions.
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