During the Republican Party’s first in-person convention since 2018 over the weekend, Texas Republicans adopted several planks to their platform signaling a further shift right, one of which is declaring the 2020 election of Democrat Joe Biden as US president to be illegitimate.
The resolution, passed by voice vote, says that they reject the certified results of the 2020 presidential election and hold that acting President Joe Biden was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States.
The official results showed that Biden took 306 Electoral College votes to Trump’s 270, also receiving 7 million more votes than Trump.
Despite nearly two years of non-stop messaging to the contrary, a recent poll indicated that seven out of 10 Republicans are convinced Biden is an illegitimate president and that the 2020 election was stolen.
The attempt to fact-check the beliefs of those who believe the election was stolen, according to Politifact, has only led them to hold tighter to those beliefs and they haven’t been budged by the January 6 riot hearings either.
On the contrary, the debate was reignited once again amid the hearings where those questioning the results of the elections are demonized by tarring them as would-be insurrectionists.
Former President Donald Trump, who still insists the election was stolen, teased a possible run again during a recent event in Nashville and was effectively holding campaign rallies in the meantime despite technically not running for president in 2024.
Additional planks to the 2022 election platform include, among others, abolishing the federal income tax, restricting the government’s abilities to regulate gun ownership or change the number of Supreme Court justices, and shutting down the Federal Reserve.
The Republican Party platform planks are not legally binding and only reflect the wishes of the most activist members of the party, so, in order to run under the party banner, the candidates are not required to swear fealty to them.
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