Some of the Havana Syndrome symptoms experienced by government officials and spies, in a few instances, could “plausibly” have been caused by pulsed electromagnetic energy emitted by an external source, an intelligence panel says.
The panel investigating the cause of a series of mysterious incidents that have struck of US officials across the world, also conceded that information gaps exist and have stopped short of making a definitive determination, saying only that the key symptoms could be explained by both electromagnetic energy and, in limited circumstances, ultrasound use.
Havana Syndrome’s victims in these cases showed symptoms aligned with those who have suffered accidental exposure to microwaves in form of a cellular injury to the nervous system.
Although it believes in the existence of the technology to execute such a thing, the panel did not identify any known device capable of pulsating electromagnetic energy at targets.
It also concluded pointed that no known medical condition or psychological syndrome can be attributed with the primary symptoms of the “Anomalous Health Incidents” (AHI) since the combination of the four core characteristics is distinctly unusual and unreported elsewhere in the medical literature.
President Joe Biden’s administration announced on Tuesday the appointment of an Interagency Coordinator on Anomalous Health Incidents (AHI), who would continue to study the mysterious Havana Syndrome as part of the government-wide effort to get to the bottom of AHI.
The executive summary of the panel’s findings released Wednesday is full of caveats and focused on around 24 out of 1,000 cases in which a hostile action could not be ruled out.
These findings go in line with the longstanding suspicion that a foreign adversary is responsible for causing the Havana Syndrome in American officials and spies though it is now believed that the scope of the attack was much smaller than previously thought.
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