Your Daily Polling Update for Thursday, January 20, 2022
Same as Sunday
RON’S COMMENT: Today’s average is based on four polls, ranging from 40% (Gallup, Politico) to 42% (Economist). Biden’s disapproval rating averages 56% today (up 2 from Sunday), putting him at 15 points net negative.
Among voters nationwide
Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:
% = Agree/Disagree
- Joe Biden is stable: 43%/49%
- Joe Biden is mentally fit: 40%/49%
- Joe Biden is in good health: 37%/50%
- Joe Biden is capable of leading the country: 43%/51%
- Joe Biden is a strong leader: 37%/57%
- Joe Biden is a weak leader: 52%/40%
- Joe Biden is trustworthy: 42%/50%
- Joe Biden is honest: 43%/47%
- Joe Biden keeps his promises: 35%/53%
- Joe Biden is knowledgeable: 46%/45%
- Joe Biden is energetic: 32%/58%
- Joe Biden is a clear communicator: 38%/56%
- Joe Biden is racist: 25%/54%
- Joe Biden is reckless: 40%/48%
- Joe Biden cares about people like you: 41%/50%
- Joe Biden is compassionate: 48%/40%
RON’S COMMENT: Most voters do not believe Biden is stable, mentally fit, in good health or is capable of leading the country. A majority (52%) believe he is a weak leader. Moreover, 58% believe he is not energetic––and 29% of Democrats agree that’s he’s not energetic. Biden does best on being compassionate (48%) and knowledgeable (46%), and on not being either reckless (48%) or a racist (54%)…. 21% of Democrats believe he does not keep his promises and 66% believe that he does…. 17% of Blacks believe Biden is a racist and 54% believe he’s not; interestingly, 20% don’t know…. 38% of Whites believe he cares about people like you and 54% believe he does not.
Among voters nationwide
Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?
% = Democrats in Congress/Republicans in Congress
- National security: 32%/49% (R +17)
- The economy: 34%/47% (R +13)
- Gun policy: 36%/45% (R +9)
- Immigration: 37%/45% (R +8)
- Education: 41%/38% (D +3)
- Coronavirus: 39%/35% (D +4)
- Protecting Medicare/Social Security: 43%/36% (D +7)
- Healthcare: 45%/37% (D +8)
- Climate change: 47%/28% (D +19)
RON’S COMMENT: Republicans in Congress lead on the economy (+13), immigration (+8), national security (+17) and gun policy (+9). Democrats in Congress lead on the Coronavirus (+4), Healthcare (+8), Climate change (+19), Education (+3) and Medicare and Social Security (+7).
Among voters nationwide
Compared to voting in previous Congressional election years, are you more or less enthusiastic about voting in this year’s congressional election?
- More enthusiastic: 33%
- Less enthusiastic: 18%
- About the same: 41%
- Not sure: 8
RON’S COMMENT: Republicans are more enthused about voting in 2022 than are Democrats (36% vs. 30%). To make matters worse for Democrats, conservatives are more enthused than liberals (40% vs. 28%).
Presidential job rating average based on recent nationwide polls.
BIDEN: ONE YEAR IN, TRUST MOST TO HANDLE ISSUES: Politico/Morning Consult: Jan. 15-16
ENTHUSIASM ABOUT VOTING 2022: The Economist/YouGov, Jan. 15-18
Publication schedule: Lunchtime Politics publishes when important new polling data is available, usually at least once a week. When we get closer to the next round of elections, we will resume daily publication. Thanks to all our readers and best of health, Ron
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