Beijing’s position on Afghan issues is clear and unequivocal, Chinese FM Spokesman Zhao Lijian said Wednesday, pointing that they’ll wait and recognize the new government after it is formed followed by establishing new diplomatic relations when the country stabilizes.
China is only ready to cooperate with a tolerant and open government that would sufficiently represent the country’s interests, he pointed.
Zhao also underlines Chinese authorities’ expectation that the Taliban radicals will be engaged in ensuring the safety of civilian population, including the full security of foreign citizens and organizations, and in the fight against terrorism, including against the East Turkestan Islamic Movement.
Pointing that China will continue to support the peace process in Afghanistan, he underscored that the Taliban must not allow any extremist groups to use Afghan soil to threaten neighboring countries.
In the context of the UN Human Rights Council’s special session on the human rights situation in Afghanistan scheduled in Geneva next week, Zhao reiterated that restoring peace, stability and order are among China’s top priorities to avoid as much as possible unnecessary casualties.
China insists that Taliban must respect and guarantee the safety and interests of Afghan citizens as well as foreign nationals and diplomats in Afghanistan, and hopes an open and inclusive political structure will be established in the country that includes all factions and ethnic groups, to fight against all kinds of terrorism and criminal and rebuilds the country.
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