Joe Biden’s deputy campaign manager said Sunday the president-elect ran a “progressive and aggressive agenda” during his race for the presidency and will follow through on those commitments now that he has won, Fox News informed.
Kate Bedingfield was asked by NBC News’ Chuck Todd about Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s comments that candidates who campaign on progressive issues abandon them after winning.
“I think that Vice President Biden campaigned on an incredibly progressive and aggressive agenda. Take a look, for example, at his climate plan. It’s the boldest biggest climate plan that’s ever been put forward by, you know, by a nominee running for president and now a president-elect,” Bedingfield said on “Meet the Press.”
“He’s going to make good on those commitments,” she said. “It’s a perfect example of the kind of big effort that he is going to make to meet this moment and to meet these crises that we’re in.”
Ocasio-Cortez, who won re-election easily last Tuesday, was asked in a New York Times interview published Saturday what she expected of the incoming Biden administration on their embrace of the party’s progressive wing.
“I don’t know how open they’ll be. And it’s not a personal thing,” she said. “It’s just, the history of the party tends to be that we get really excited about the grassroots to get elected. And then those communities are promptly abandoned right after an election.”
Meanwhile, Rep. Cedric Richmond, the co-chair of Biden’s campaign, said Sunday that the former vice president’s flipping Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania — states that backed Trump in 2016 — will strengthen his hand when negotiating with congressional Republicans.
“I think Vice President Biden will be a different kind of president,” Richmond (D-La.) said on CBS News’ “Face the Nation.” “I think he’s going to be able to bring House members from the Republican side, Senate Republicans together, on legislation.”
“But then again, you have to look at his numbers. He won Arizona, he won Georgia,” Richmond added. “That will give him some coattails and some leverage when dealing with the Senate.”
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