The Democrats’ “endgame” is to transform America into a far-left, Marxist state where dissent is not permitted, Donald Trump Jr. told “Hannity” Wednesday night, Fox News informed.
Apparently referring to ongoing rioting in Philadelphia following the police shooting of a knife-wielding Black man, the President’s eldest son told host Sean Hannity that “those are the Biden voters. That is the Democrat Party today. That’s what people across America have to recognize: This is not your grandparents’ Democrat Party … this Democrat Party is a socialist and Marxist party.”
“They don’t represent hardworking Americans anymore,” Trump Jr. continued. “They don’t care if they shut down your business, your livelihood forever. Guess what? We’ll put you on a government program. You’ll be a Democrat voter for life.”
The President’s son went on to explain that “this election is about freedom versus tyranny, capitalism versus socialism and Communism. They’re not even pretending that it’s not anymore. They’re welcoming that kind of analogy, which should scare all of us a lot.”
Trump Jr. told “Hannity” that the modern Democratic Party is “shutting down the speech of those that they don’t like” and is made up of “the people burning books in the streets [and] looting and rioting in inner cities all over the country.”
Turning to the presidential campaign, the 41-year-old remarked that his rally in Florida was largely successful and drew about 3,000 people to the Treasure Coast.
“It was awesome,” Trump Jr. said, joking that he wanted to confirm with the crowd that they knew the rally wasn’t “for senior [but] for junior.”
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