Your Daily Polling Update for Thursday, June 11, 2020
Down 1 from Tuesday
RON’S COMMENT: Over the last couple of days, President Trump’s approval rating dipped a point and his negative rating went up 3 points…. Today’s average is based on four polls, ranging from 39% (Politico) to 43% (Economist, Rasmussen). The fourth poll has it at 42%…. Trump’s disapproval rating averages 57% today (+3 since Tuesday), which is 15 points higher than his approval rating…. See the trend in Trump’s job approval average since the beginning of 2020 at approval trend.
Among general election voters
(Economist) Biden over Trump: +8 (49-41)
Biden’s average lead in last four polls: +8.8 points
RON’S COMMENT: In the new Economist poll, Biden wins Democrats 90-5, independents 42-39, women 52-38, men 46-44, blacks 74-11 and Hispanics 52-40…. Trump wins Republicans 88-6, whites 48-43 and voters over 65 years old 52-45.
Among voters nationwide
Do you approve or disapprove of Donald Trump’s handling of the protests against the death of George Floyd?
Approve: 38%
Disapprove: 57%
RON’S COMMENT: 9% of Democrats, 32% of independents, 73% of Republicans, 41% of whites and 9% of blacks approve of Trump’s handling of the protests.
Among voters nationwide
Here are some things that have been proposed to reduce deadly force encounters involving the police. Which of these do you favor or oppose?
Cut funding for police departments
Favor: 24%
Oppose: 60%
Not sure: 17%
RON’S COMMENT: As a general election issue, cutting funding for police departments could cause big trouble for Democratic candidates if they pursue it…. Independents oppose cutting police funding 58-20, rank-and-file Democrats oppose cutting funding 42-34 and Republicans oppose cutting funding 78-11. Whites oppose cutting funding 65-17 and blacks favor cutting funding by a fairly small margin, 39-33.
Ban the use of choke holds
Favor: 75%
Oppose: 11%
Not sure: 14%
Implement an early warning system to identify problematic officers
Favor: 83%
Oppose: 6%
Not sure: 11%
Outfit all officers with body cameras
Favor: 91%
Oppose: 4%
Not sure: 5%
Requiring police to keep their body cameras on all the time
Favor: 88%
Oppose: 6%
Not sure: 5%
Train police on how to de-escalate conflicts and avoid using force
Favor: 88%
Oppose: 7%
Not sure: 5%
Ban the use of tear gas
Favor: 39%
Oppose: 42%
Not sure: 19%
Ban the use of rubber bullets
Favor: 35%
Oppose: 39%
Not sure: 26%
Among voters nationwide
Here are some things that have been proposed to combat negative effects of racism in America. Which of these would you favor or oppose?
Payments to black Americans who are descendants of slaves
Favor: 25%
Oppose: 56%
Not sure: 19%
RON’S COMMENT: Only a quarter of the electorate supports reparations for slavery….42% of Democrats, 19% of independents, 9% of Republicans, 16% of whites and 55% of blacks favor reparations…. 32% of Democrats, 54% of independents, 82% of Republicans, 63% of whites and 27% of blacks oppose reparations.
Diversity initiatives to train and hire more black Americans
Favor: 55%
Oppose: 24%
Not sure: 21%
RON’S COMMENT: 77% of Democrats, 45% of independents, 32% of Republicans, 47% of whites and 76% of blacks favor diversity initiatives…. 9% of Democrats, 25% of independents, 40% of Republicans, 28% of whites and 5% of blacks oppose diversity initiatives.
Formal government apology for slavery that once existed in this country
Favor: 42%
Oppose: 43%
Not sure: 15%
RON’S COMMENT: Voters are nearly split down the middle on a formal apology…. 63% of Democrats, 40% of independents, 13% of Republicans, 33% of whites and 65% of blacks favor a formal apology…. 20% of Democrats, 35% of independents, 73% of Republicans, 49% of whites and 16% of blacks oppose a formal apology.
Among voters nationwide
Do you see statues of Confederate war heroes (e.g., Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson) more as a symbol of Southern pride or more as a symbol of racism?
Southern pride: 47%
Symbol of racism: 38%
Not sure: 15%
RON’S COMMENT: More voters nationwide see Confederate statues as a symbol of Southern pride than as a symbol of racism…. 26% of Democrats, 40% of independents, 76% of Republicans, 53% of whites and 18% of blacks see them as a symbol of Southern pride…. 61% of Democrats, 29% of independents, 11% of Republicans, 29% of whites and 62% of blacks see them as a symbol of racism.
Among voters nationwide
Former defense secretary James Mattis recently criticized President Trump for his handling of protests, calling it a “mockery of our Constitution” and declaring that the country had seen “three years without mature leadership”. Do you believe it is appropriate or inappropriate for a former cabinet official to make comments about the President he or she served?
Appropriate: 55%
Inappropriate: 37%
RON’S COMMENT: 79% of Democrats, 48% of independents, and 19% of Republicans say Mattis’ comments were appropriate.
Presidential job rating average based on recent nationwide polls.
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Publication schedule: Lunchtime Politics will publish Tuesdays and Thursdays during the weeks ahead, but will add special editions when important new data becomes available. As soon as political polling gears up again, we will return to regular daily publication. Thanks to all our readers and best of health, Ron
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