Senator Bernie Sanders endorsed Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee for president on Monday, adding the weight of his left-wing support to Biden’s candidacy and taking a major step toward bringing unity to the party’s effort to unseat President Donald Trump in November, The New York Times reported.
In throwing his weight behind his former rival, Sanders is sending an unmistakable signal that his supporters, who are known for their intense loyalty, should do so as well, at a moment when Biden still faces deep skepticism from many younger progressives.
The two men appeared via live stream on split screens — each on each other’s live streams — talking to each other. “We need you in the White House,” Sanders said to Biden. “And I will do all that I can to make that happen.”
Biden said: “I’m going to need you. Not just to win the campaign, but to govern.”
Sanders, who dropped out of the presidential race last week, hinted the endorsement in a Twitter post shortly before the appearance. Biden provided his own clue, saying he would be “joined by a special guest” for his scheduled live stream at 2 p.m, the Times adds.
The scene was a striking example of the ways the coronavirus has upended traditional campaigning. In normal times, both men likely would have appeared onstage together at a rally, or at least done so at an event with more pomp. Instead, both men appeared at their homes, as they have been doing for weeks as they communicate to voters mostly via live streamed events.
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