President Donald Trump’s former Russia adviser urged lawmakers in the House of Representatives impeachment inquiry on Thursday not to promote “politically driven falsehoods” that cast doubt on Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S. election, Reuters informs.
Fiona Hill spoke on the last day of public testimony scheduled before the Democratic-led House Intelligence Committee probing whether Trump improperly asked Ukraine to launch investigations that would benefit him politically in return for a White House meeting or the release of U.S. security aid.
Democrats argued that seven public hearings over the past two weeks had buttressed their case that Republican Trump acted improperly in asking Ukraine for investigations of Democratic former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, and of whether Ukraine meddled in the 2016 U.S. election.
Republicans denied wrongdoing by Trump, questioned the credibility of a career diplomat who said he overheard Trump asking if Ukraine would carry out investigations and argued that Democrats aimed to thwart the will of the people by ousting the President.
If the Democratic-led House voted charges, formally called articles of impeachment, against Trump, the matter would go to the Republican-led Senate, where the White House said the President would welcome a trial on whether to remove him from office, Reuters added.
“President Trump wants to have a trial in the Senate because it’s clearly the only chamber where he can expect fairness and receive due process under the Constitution,” White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said in a statement on Thursday night.
“We would expect to finally hear from witnesses who actually witnessed, and possibly participated in corruption – like Adam Schiff, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and the so-called Whistleblower, to name a few,” Gidley said.
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