Washington is trying to stonewall the United Nations’ work not only by creating visa hurdles for delegations’ members but also by ignoring its commitments on contributions to the organization’s budget, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Sunday, TASS informed.
“It’s necessary to note that the United States has been a major nonpayer for a rather long time. Its debt to the UN regular budget has exceeded $1 bln. Washington’s clear attempts to undermine the organization’s work are obvious: along with its unpredicted and biased policy on issuing US visas to delegations’ members it is also using financial levers,” the ministry stated.
This has forced the UN Secretariat to employ austerity measures, the ministry noted. For example, starting from mid-October 2019, the UN Security Council and the General Assembly will hold only two meetings per day from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., while earlier the diplomats often held meetings in the evening and at night, Russia Business Today reported.
Moscow highlights the importance for the UN member-states to timely pay their contribution to the UN budget in order to ensure its normal work. “Russia, in its turn, is among the bona fide payers. It has timely fulfilled all financial obligations by paying all contributions in full,” the ministry said, stressing that other UN member-states should meet their financial commitments.
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