The White House by mistake sent Democrats a list of talking points related to ex-Ukraine Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch’s Friday House deposition. This is the second time in a month that the White House sent its Ukraine talking points to Democrats.
According to The Hill, the email included guidance for Republicans seeking to defend the President from potentially damaging witness testimony from an ambassador who was removed from her post in May under controversial circumstances.
In the document, the White House encourages Republicans to ramp up the narrative against Democrats, concentrating their attacks on House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s handling of the investigation.
Yovanovitch told House lawmakers that she was removed after “a concerted campaign” against her from President Donald Trump and his allies, The Hill writes.
She also added that the State Department had “been under pressure from the President to remove me since the summer of 2018.”
“We are not concerned with any information Yovanovitch might share, because the President did nothing wrong,” the White House email meant for Republicans said. “But we are concerned that Schiff is putting her a precarious position by having her testify in secret without State Department lawyers be present.”
“It raises serious questions about why Schiff is willing to put career officials in such risky situations while bullying them with legally unfounded threats of obstruction charges,” the email continued.
It added that Schiff “is willing to ride roughshod over fair process and to use career officials to further a baseless political objective.”
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