The guards working at the prison where Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide are suspected of creating false log entries that which show they were checking on inmates at Epstein’s unit, The Hill reports citing AP.
A source close to the investigation into Epstein’s death informed the AP that evidence can be found in surveillance footage of the prison unit, which shows that the guards did not make some of the checks they logged.
Epstein was found dead early Saturday morning at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York City while he awaited trial on charges he sexually trafficked underage girls.
The news comes after the Justice Department announced it ordered the Bureau of Prisons to temporarily reassign the warden at the Manhattan federal prison place two staff members assigned to Epstein’s unit on administrative leave.
“I was appalled — indeed, the entire department was — and, frankly, angry to learn of the MCC’s failure to adequately secure this prisoner. We are now learning of serious irregularities at this facility that are deeply concerning and that demand a thorough investigation,” Attorney General William Barr said Monday morning. “We will get to the bottom of what happened at the MCC and we will hold people accountable for this failure.”
Officials are facing pressure to determine why Epstein, who had been placed on suicide watch back in late July after reportedly being found with marks on his neck, was not being closely monitored.
Several reports have surfaced describing the federal jail as being short-staffed and saying protocols were not followed by the prison’s employees.
Epstein, who was associated with many powerful politicians and professionals in other fields, had been in the prison since early July after being arrested on charges of trafficking minors from 2002 to 2005.
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