Your Daily Polling Update for Thursday, July 25, 2019
Up 1 from yesterday
RON’S COMMENT: Today’s average is based on four polls, ranging from 42% (Reuters) to 48% (Rasmussen). Without these extremes, it would be 46%…. President Trump’s disapproval rating averages 53% today (same as yesterday), which is 8 points higher than his approval rating.
Among voters statewide
Joe Biden (D) over Donald Trump (R): +8 (50-42)
Donald Trump (R) and Kamala Harris (D): even (44-44)
Donald Trump (R) and Pete Buttigieg (D): even (44-44)
Donald Trump (R) over Elizabeth Warren (D): +1 (46-45)
Donald Trump (R) over Bernie Sanders (I/D): +1 (46-45)
Donald Trump (R) over Cory Booker (D): +1 (44-43)
RON’S COMMENT: This is why Biden remains the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination. He’s the only candidate who beats Trump in a critical state like Ohio. Trump won Ohio last time by 8 points. Electability is Biden’s ace in the hole.
Among adults nationwide
How would you describe yourself?
Very patriotic: 49%
Somewhat patriotic: 33%
Not very patriotic: 11%
Not at all patriotic: 8%
RON’S COMMENT: 36% of Democrats, 44% of independents, 72% of Republicans, 25% of 18-29 year-olds and 73% of those 65 and older say they’re very patriotic…. 25% of Democrats, 21% of independents, 6% of Republicans, 36% of 18-29 year-olds and 6% of those 65 and older say they’re either not very or not at all patriotic.
Among voters nationwide
% = Favorable/Unfavorable
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: 28%/35%
Ilhan Omar: 22%/33%
Ayanna Pressley: 26%/30%
Rashida Tlaib: 23%/29%
RON’S COMMENT: All four members of the “The Squad” have net negative ratings among independents in this poll––people who may be swing voters in the 2020 election. But, here’s the real problem for them: Their hard negatives among independents are much higher than their hard positives. AOC’s hard negative among independents is 28% and her hard positive is 14%. Tlaib’shard negative among independents is 24% and her hard positive is 9%. Pressley’s hard negative among independents is 16% and her hard positive is 7%. Omar’s hard negative among independents is 26% and her hard positive is 8%…. Of course, as you’d expect, all four do much worse among Republicans and much better among fellow Democrats. This poll was taken by The Economist/YouGov.
- A recent Politico-Morning Consult poll finds that only 24% of all voters nationwide believe “The Squad” represents the views of all Americans, while 45% say they do not. Among Democrats, 42% say they do and 29% say they do not.
Among voters nationwide
Do you think it is appropriate or inappropriate to tell a naturalized citizen of the U.S. to “go back where you came from”?
Appropriate: 24%
Inappropriate: 62%
RON’S COMMENT: 7% of Democrats, 19% of independents and 40% of Republicans say it is appropriate to tell a naturalized citizen of the U.S. to “go back where you came from.”
Among voters nationwide
Do you think the U.S. House of Representatives should or should not try to impeach President Trump?
Should try to impeach: 41%
Should not try to impeach: 47%
RON’S COMMENT: 70% of Democrats, 35% of independents and 9% of Republicans say the House should try to impeach President Trump.
Presidential job rating average based on recent nationwide polls.
OHIO: Quinnipiac, July 17-22
RIGHT/WRONG TRACK: Politico-Morning Consult, July 19-21
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