President Donald Trump issued a threat that he will deport millions of immigrants in the United States and he plans to start next week as the administration considers that with Mexico’s help they will have more bed space at detention centers.
NPR reported that the director of policy studies for the Center for Immigration Studies, Jessica Vaughan who is also in regular discussions with the administration, said that people have been led to believe that if they arrive with a child, they would be able to stay. She added that this won’t be the case under the new plan.
“It’s not like the president just woke up and thought of this idea. They’ve been laying the ground work for this already. What they’ve been doing has not been successful, so they’re going to be trying something new. And they’re going to be focused on people who already have a final order of removal. And they also want people to understand that family cases are on the table,” said Vaughan.
According to an administration official who wanted to stay anonymous, there are more than a million immigrants in the United States with orders of deportation who have not been removed. The official also said that countless numbers of people are skipping court hearings and absconding from federal proceedings.
The official also said: “There are more than 1 million illegal aliens who have been issued final deportation orders by federal judges yet remain at large in the country. These judicial removal orders were secured at great time and expense, and yet illgal aliens not only refuse to appear in court, they often obtain fraudulent identities, collect federal welfare, and illegally work in the United States. Enforcing these final judicial orders is a top priority for Immigration and Customs Enforcement – wilful defiance of our laws and the defrauding of the American People with fraudulent asylyum claims, will not be tolerated.’’
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