Your Daily Polling Update for Friday, May 31, 2019
Same as yesterday
RON’S COMMENT: Today’s average is based on five polls, ranging from 41% (CBS) to 48% (Rasmussen). Without these two extremes, it would be 43%…. President Trump’s disapproval rating averages 54% today (same as yesterday), which is 10 points higher than his approval rating…. Demographics: Based on the Hill-HarrisX poll, Trump’s approval rating among groups is: men 51%, women 38%, GenZ 29%, Millennials 40%, Boomers 44%, whites 54%, blacks 17%, Hispanics 22% and Asians 34%.
Among adults nationwide
When in our history was/is America greatest?
Present day: 16%
1990s: 19%
1980s: 15%
1970s: 7%
1960s: 8%
1950s: 13%
1940s: 8%
Earlier: 5%
It was never great: 9%
RON’S COMMENT: Republicans think the 1980s (21%) and 1950s (18%) were the greatest, two decades with GOP presidents (Reagan, Eisenhower). Democrats think the 1990s were the greatest, a decade dominated by a Democratic president (Clinton)…. Surprisingly, only 8% say the 1940s and only 5% say earlier…. More Democrats (12%) say America was never great than either Republicans (2%) or independents (8%)…. When assessing greatness, more Americans say the economy is an extremely or very important factor (91%) than those who say the military (76%). Also: 91% say the American people themselves and 74% say our political system. More than 75% say freedom of religion and press, our natural resources, our judicial system, our educational system, racial equality and diversity are extremely or very important factors.
Among U.S. voters nationwide
% = Ally or friend/Enemy or unfriendly
Canada: 87%/5%
United Kingdom: 86%/6%
France: 79%/11%
Japan: 78%/9%
South Korea: 74%/13%
Germany: 73%/12%
Israel: 70%/12%
Mexico: 58%/27%
China: 22%/62%
Russia: 14%/73%
Iran: 7%/78%
North Korea: 6%/81%
Among voters nationwide
“Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling…”
% = Approve/Disapprove
The economy: 51%/43%
Veterans: 47%/41%
Terrorism: 47%/44%
Foreign policy: 46%/49%
Immigration: 45%/50%
Education: 44%/47%
Taxes: 44%/50%
Civil rights: 43%/48%
Gun control: 43%/48%
Healthcare: 41%/51%
The environment: 41%/51%
Medicare: 40%/46%
Social Security: 40%/46%
Abortion: 40%/50%
Women’s rights: 39%/50%
The budget deficit: 38%/52%
Gay rights: 33%/49%
RON’S COMMENT: Trump is net positive on three issues: the economy (+8), veterans (+6) and terrorism (+3). His worst issues are the budget deficit (-14) and gay rights (-16). However, majorities also disapprove of his handling of healthcare and the environment.
Among adults nationwide
These are things that are often bucket list items (things people want to do before they die). Which, if any, have you already done? Please select all that apply.
Got married: 46%
Had children: 43%
Owned my own home: 41%
Seen a natural wonder: 36%
Changed someone’s life for the better: 31%
Gotten healthier/weight goal: 30%
Traveled to an exotic location: 27%
Achieved a wealth goal: 22%
Attended a particular music festival: 21%
Learned a new language: 17%
Met a particular celebrity: 15%
Started my own business: 14%
Done an extreme sport: 10%
Completed an act of physical endurance/strength: 10%
Invented something: 5%
Written a novel: 3%
Something else: 4%
Don’t know: 4%
I don’t have a bucket list: 14%
RON’S COMMENT: Fewer Democrats than Republicans are likely to say they’ve achieved bucket list goals. Republicans, for example, are more likely to say they “got married” than Democrats (58% vs. 44%). Republicans are also more likely to say “achieved a wealth goal” than Democrats (27% vs. 21%) and “changed someone’s life for the better” (36% vs. 29%).
Presidential job rating average based on recent nationwide polls.
AMERICAN GREATNESS: Ipsos, April 30-May 1
When poll results add up to more than 100%, it is usually due to rounding.
L = Libertarian candidate
G = Green Party candidate
Ind = independent candidate
O = Other candidate(s)
D poll = conducted by or for organizations generally associated with Democrats.
R poll = conducted by or for organizations generally associated with Republicans.
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