Yet another federal judge has refused to block subpoenas requesting President Donald Trump’s financial records, dealing another blow to the President in his effort to stop House Democrats from investigating him and his businesses.
U.S. District Judge Edgardo Ramos allowed the House Intelligence and Financial Services Committees on Wednesday to obtain the President’s financial records from banking giants Deutsche Bank and Capital One. His ruling is the second one in three days in favor of House Democrats.
Earlier the same day, President Trump blasted Democrats, whom he accused of trying to harass and undermine him, saying during a Rose Garden appearance that he could not work with them as long as they insist on continuing with their investigations.
The White House has also been clear that it would stonewall all Democratic oversight requests, as it has been doing so far, and will continue to refuse to comply with subpoenas issued by them.
The two rulings represent a major setback for the President and his cabinet. The latest one gives Trump’s legal team a week to come up with a way to prevent the two financial institutions from handing over the President’s records, which also include information regarding his family members’ business dealings.
“Very excited, no surprise. Two in one week. Mazars Monday, Deutsche Bank today,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, after the two rulings.
House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings likewise expressed optimism regarding the developments, saying that the second opinion would significantly help his panel with its subpoena to accounting firm Mazars.
“We now have two opinions. I think we’re going to have more. Clearly, I think the courts are going to uphold the rule of law,” Cummings said.
While the President’s legal team has already appealed the first ruling, they have not done so with the second one. Trump’s attorney Patrick Strawbridge said they would first have to consult with their client.
Ramos argued Wednesday that the House Democrats’ subpoenas had a legitimate legislative basis and did not “constitute impermissible law enforcement activities.”
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