Your Daily Polling Update for Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Same as yesterday
RON’S COMMENT: Today’s average is based on four polls, ranging from 42% (Politico-Morning Consult, PPP-D) to 50% (Rasmussen). The fourth poll had it at 43%…. President Trump’s disapproval rating averages 52% today (-1 from yesterday), which is 8 points higher than his approval rating.
Among voters nationwide
Joe Biden (D) over Donald Trump (R): +13 (53-40)
Bernie Sanders (D) over Donald Trump (R): +8 (49-41)
Kamala Harris (D) over Pres. Donald Trump (R): +7 (48-41)
Cory Booker (D) over Donald Trump (R): +7 (48-41)
Elizabeth Warren (D) over Donald Trump (R): +6 (48-42)
Beto O’Rourke (D) over Donald Trump (R): +6 (47-41)
Kristen Gillibrand (D) over Donald Trump (R): +6 (47-41)
Pete Buttigieg (D) over Donald Trump (R): +4 (45-41)
RON’S COMMENT: In this poll, taken by a Democratic-oriented outfit, Trump loses to all the rivals tested against him. Biden, who does best, beats Trump by 24 points among women and ties him among men. Trump gets 11% of Democrats against Biden and Biden gets 12% of Republicans. Biden leads Trump 53-34 among independents, which is a bigger spread than some other polls have shown.
Among voters nationwide
Would you support or oppose Washington, D.C. becoming a state?
Support: 32%
Oppose: 37%
Would you support or oppose Puerto Rico becoming a state?
Support: 54%
Oppose: 27%
RON’S COMMENT: Puerto Rico has much greater statehood support among voters nationwide than does DC. By party: 46% of Democrats, 19% of Republicans and 27% of independents favor statehood for DC. That compares to 73% of Democrats, 33% of Republicans and 52% of independents who favor statehood for Puerto Rico.
Among voters nationwide
Would you support or oppose adding more Justices to the Supreme Court?
Support: 29%
Oppose: 47%
RON’S COMMENT: 43% of Democrats, 14% of Republicans and 24% of independents favor adding justices to the Supreme Court, an idea some Democratic candidates have proposed. While more Democrats favor adding justices than oppose doing so (43-29), the support level among them is below 50%, reducing the issue’s long-term effectiveness––especially in the general election, where the total electorate opposes it by 18 points…. A bone to pick: The question wording does not say when the additional justices would be added––whether it would happen “during Trump’s presidency” or during the “presidency of the next president after Trump” or during “the next Democratic presidency.” That may have affected the results.
Among voters statewide
The Green New Deal is being offered as a plan to address concerns over climate change. How much more per month would you be willing to pay in your heating or electric bill to achieve the goals of the Green New Deal?
- Would not be willing to pay any more per month: 46%
- Would be willing to pay up to $10 more per month: 29%
- Would be willing to pay up to $50 more per month: 9%
- Would be willing to pay up to $100 more per month: 5%
- Would be willing to pay over $100 more per month: 3%
- Not sure: 9%
RON’S COMMENT: 46% of New Hampshire voters are willing to pay higher utility bills to fund the Green New Deal––and 46% are not. But, of those willing to pay more, 63% of them are only willing to cough up $10 a month or less…. By party: 23% of Republicans, 44% of independents and 72% of Democrats are willing to pay more.
Presidential job rating average based on recent nationwide polls.
NEW HAMPSHIRE: GREEN NEW DEAL: New Hampshire Journal/Praecones Analytica, March 26-28
When poll results add up to more than 100%, it is usually due to rounding.
L = Libertarian candidate
G = Green Party candidate
Ind = independent candidate
O = Other candidate(s)
D poll = conducted by or for organizations generally associated with Democrats.
R poll = conducted by or for organizations generally associated with Republicans.
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