Former Vice President Joe Biden was recently forced to withdraw from his earlier stance that his successor Mike Pence is a “decent guy,” Fox News informed.
Biden received backlash from many in the LGBT community, including former “Sex and the City” star and failed New York governor contender Cynthia Nixon. Biden clarified his position in response to Nixon, tweeting that the praise was in the “foreign policy” context.
“There is nothing decent about being anti-LGBTQ rights, and that includes the Vice President,” Biden wrote.
According to Townhall.com Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., was asked on Saturday if she thinks that there’s even one morally “decent” person in the Trump administration. She stated that she does not consider Pence a morally decent man and refused to name one in the administration who rises to that bar.
“It’s a tough question,” she reportedly said. “The Mueller investigation has already produced 34 indictments or guilty pleas out of people in the President’s inner circle. 10 cabinet officials have left, 4 with huge scandals, and others with a threat of scandal at the door. This is the most corrupt administration in living memory. That’s why we gotta fight.”
Biden, even without making an announcement for 2020, easily leads the pack in polling, according to RealClearPolitics.
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