Your Daily Polling Update for Friday, March 1, 2019
Same as yesterday
RON’S COMMENT: Today’s average is based on five polls, ranging from 41% (Reuters) to 49% (Rasmussen). Without these two extremes, it would be 43%…. President Trump’s disapproval rating averages 53% today (same as yesterday), which is 9 points higher than his approval rating.
Among voters statewide
Among Democratic primary voters:
Bernie Sanders: 26%
Joe Biden: 22%
Kamala Harris: 10%
Elizabeth Warren: 7%
Beto O’Rourke: 5%
Amy Klobuchar: 4%
Cory Booker: 3%
Michael Bloomberg: 1%
Sherrod Brown: 1%
Kirsten Gillibrand: 1%
Pete Buttgieg: 1%
Tulsi Gabbard: 1%
RON’S COMMENT: This New Hampshire primary poll puts Sanders, from neighboring Vermont, in first place. Biden follows closely behind. As in most polls, Harris is third…. The poll also asked for second choice votes, which Biden wins with 18%, Sanders is a close second at 17% and Harris is third at 14%…. When asked which candidate is most likeable, Biden wins with 31%, Sanders is second with 20% and Harris and O’Rourke are third with 9%. Only 3% say Warren, who represents neighboring Massachusetts, is most likeable…. When asked which candidate is most progressive, Sanders wins with 44% and Warren is second with 10%. Biden ranks fourth at 3%…. When asked which candidate has the best chance to win the general election, Biden wins with 32% and Sanders is second with 22%. Everybody else is in single digits.
Among Republican primary voters:
Donald Trump: 68%
John Kasich: 17%
Bill Weld: 3%
Don’t know: 12%
RON’S COMMENT: Nearly a third of GOP primary voters (32%) show some reluctance to supporting Trump for re-nomination. Between former Ohio Gov. Kasich and former Massachusetts Gov. Weld, Kasich does best as the Republican alternative to Trump in New Hampshire.
Among voters nationwide
Nancy Pelosi
Approve: 42%
Disapprove: 47%
Chuck Schumer
Approve: 37%
Disapprove: 45%
Kevin McCarthy
Approve: 25%
Disapprove: 35%
Mitch McConnell
Approve: 28%
Disapprove: 53%
Robert Mueller
Approve: 44%
Disapprove: 33%
RON’S COMMENT: As usual, all of the Hill leaders measured have net negative ratings, although Pelosi’s has improved considerably over the past few months…. Mueller, however, is net positive. 62% of Democrats and 22% of Republicans approve of the job the special counsel is doing.
President Trump’s approval ratings on….
Social Security
Approve: 38%
Disapprove: 47%
Approve: 37%
Disapprove: 48%
RON’S COMMENT: Trump rates net negative on both Social Security and Medicare. Independents give him a 32% approval rating on Medicare and a 33% approval rating on Social Security.
NEW HAMPSHIRE: Granite State Poll/UNH, Feb. 18-26
JOB RATINGS: The Economist/YouGov, Feb. 24-26
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