President Donald Trump said on Monday that he is one of the most hardworking presidents in U.S. history.
“No president ever worked harder than me (cleaning up the mess I inherited)!” Trump tweeted.
Trump’s tweets storm over the weekend was an effort to defend his use of “Executive Time.” “The fact is, when I took over as President, our Country was a mess. Depleted Military, Endless Wars, a potential War with North Korea, V.A., High Taxes & too many Regulations, Border, Immigration & HealthCare problems, & much more. I had no choice but to work very long hours,” Trump tweeted.
The President’s comments came after a leak of his daily schedules was published by Axios.
The schedules show that in recent months Trump has spent a number of hours in unscheduled “Executive Time,” reportedly watching television, making phone calls and reading newspapers.
Trump added over the weekend that his use of Executive Time “should have been reported as a positive, not negative.”
“When the term Executive Time is used, I am generally working, not relaxing,” he tweeted. “In fact, I probably work more hours than almost any past President.”
Since the weekend tweets, Axios has obtained a new set of leaked Trump’s schedules and reported that the President spent approximately half of his time in “Executive Time” from Monday to Thursday last week.
The White House is reportedly internally investigating the source of the leaked private schedules.
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