President Donald Trump on Monday bashed at Democrats after the negotiations about the border wall because lawmakers wanted to cap the number of beds available to hold detained immigrants.
“The Democrats do not want us to detain, or send back, criminal aliens! This is a brand new demand. Crazy!” Trump tweeted.
The Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) ability to hold immigrants in detention centers became the latest sticking point, The Hill writes.
“I think the talks are stalled right now,” Senator Richard Shelby stated on Sunday. “I’m hoping we can get off the dime later today or in the morning because time is ticking away. But we got some problems with the Democrats dealing with ICE, that is detaining criminals that come into the U.S. and they want a cap on them, we don’t want a cap on that.”
According to The Washington Post, the Democrats want to cap the number of detention beds for immigrants picked up by ICE away from the border in other parts of the country at 16,500. Republicans have pushed to exclude a number of immigrants convicted of a range of crimes from that cap.
Trump has sought to paint the Democratic position as dangerous, tweeting on Sunday that the party does not “even want to take murderers into custody!”
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