Several days after taking her first formal step toward a presidential run in 2020, Sen. Elizabeth Warren blasted Trump administration and accused the President and his cabinet members of “wallowing” in “corruption,” Fox News informed.
However, in an interview she stated that the troops in Syria need to be withdrawn, which is a rare moment of agreement with Trump.
She still blasted Trump for much of the interview.
“We’ve lived through two years of Donald Trump as president … We have lived through two years of one scammer and grifter after another running federal agencies, running our government.”
Warren said she believed that Republicans have made excuses for Trump’s bad behavior because he’s made good on certain promises such as repealing ObamaCare and tax cuts for the rich.
She also cast blame on Trump’s cabinet of “wallowing in the corruption” and policies that were only beneficial for those who are rich.
“Donald Trump is an accelerant,” she said while admitting that any Republican president would aim to make similar achievements in office. “I see him as what happens when corruption invades a system that gets a little bit corrupt, and it gets a little more corrupt, and it gets a little more corrupt, and it gets bigger, and they get bolder and bolder and then you end up with someone like Donald Trump.”
Warren was also asked about the the not so well-known positions on foreign policy.
“Are you asking me whether or not I think foreign policy ought to be conducted by tweet? The answer is no,” she said after agreeing that she did think Trump was correct in his decision to withdraw troops from Syria. Warren added that the U.S. should pull its troops from Afghanistan as well.
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