President Donald Trump on Monday night boasted about his administration’s progress during his first two years in office as he campaigned hardly for Republican candidates hours before Election Day, Fox News informed.
In an interview with Sean Hannity in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, Trump condemned the Obama administration’s way of handling things, saying that, “if their agenda kept going forward the economy would have deteriorated.”
“We were going down. It was very bad when I took it over and if we didn’t open it up and cut regulations, the whole Obama thing would’ve collapsed,” the President said on Fox News Channel. “It would’ve been a disaster.”
Trump later spoke at a rally in Cape Girardeau, during which he called Hannity and Judge Jeanine Pirro, another Fox News host, to the stage. Both of them spoke briefly in support of the President.
In the interview, Trump also addressed the illegal immigration and his plan for construction of the wall along the southern U.S. border with Mexico.
“People aren’t going to come into our country without going through the legal process, you can’t do that — otherwise you have no country,” he said, before hyping the military’s budget. He added that the “whole plan of the Democrats is that “they fight like you’ve never seen to make sure we don’t build a wall.”
“We are very strong now. We have the worst laws anywhere in the country — catch and release, visa lottery — all these laws, they’re a disaster. We have the worst laws, we’ve got to get them changed.”
Trump also said that U.S. troops, along with the Customs and Border Protection agents, have been placing barbed wire on the border.
“You see it but now we have the incredible military forces out there and they’re putting up barbed wire fences,” the President said. “We have a barbed wire wall, and you see that, what they’re doing, highest level. And we are making it very strong.”
Later the interview was interjected by Laura Ingraham who asked Trump what he wants to tell Americans who seek calm and unity among a divided nation.
“Well I think success will do that,” he said. “I think we have to get over this election, see how it comes out. It’ll be an interesting time. And I really think we have to do that first.”
“I think success is going to do — we’re having the most successful time financially, economically that we’ve ever had. I think that’s gonna bring a lot of people together, it’s going to start,” the President said.
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