Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law Lara Trump said that the recent events regarding Brett Kavanaugh’s new position as a Supreme Court justice has had a strong impact on women who are allegedly going to vote for Republicans for the midterm elections in November.
Mrs. Trump made an appearance on Fox News, where she claimed women are not going to be dissuaded by allegations against Kavanaugh, regardless of the polls that show women’s support for the GOP is dropping.
“I never believe polls, we saw the polls in 2016 were not accurate at all, I still think that carries over now a bit. After what I like to call the ‘Kavanaugh effect’ the number of women that are more inspired on the Republican end now to get on and vote is really astonishing,” said Lara Trump. “I found women coming up to me telling me how frustrated they were and how much it makes them want to go out and vote for Republicans. I don’t know if those polls are accurately representing the sentiments of women in this country.”
The President recently aimed a “horseface” insult at adult film star Stormy Daniels, real name Stephanie Clifford, who was paid $130,000 to keep quiet about her alleged affair with Donald Trump ahead of his presidential campaign.
Discussing the President’s remark, Lara Trump said she has witnessed “amazing” support for him in places such as North Carolina. “It’s sad that the media tends to focus on this sort of thing instead of what the President has done; instead of the reasons that people are going to vote for him again in 2020—and I think more people will vote for him in 2020 than in 2016. The economy is booming, people have money now to send their children to college that they didn’t before. Those are all things that women care about a lot more than tweets from the President.”
Lara Trump added that the recent controversies surrounding the GOP may actually be bringing the party and their supporters closer together.
“The women are excited, the men are equally excited across this country and Republicans as a whole are galvanized and unionized for no other reason than the Democrats are acting so crazy that people in the Republican Party are coming together and saying ‘hey, we can’t allow this to overtake our country’,” she said. “If we have a Speaker Nancy Pelosi and a Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer, that is going to spell disaster for this country.”
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