President Donald Trump gave a speech at the annual Susan B. Anthony List gala on Tuesday evening, celebrating the victories of his administration for the pro-life movement.
“When I ran for office, I pledged to stand for life,” he said. “As president, that’s exactly what I’ve done. I have kept my promise.”
According to CNN, Trump received a standing ovation from attendees of the dinner after he announced a proposed rule from his administration to prevent Title X funding from going to any clinics that provide abortions, such as Planned Parenthood.
“For decades American taxpayers have been wrongly forced to subsidize the abortion industry through Title X funding, so today we have kept another promise,” Trump said.
The president celebrated the growing pro-life movement, pointing to the strength of its representation in Washington, D.C.
“For the first time since Roe v. Wade, America has a pro-life president, a pro-life vice president, a pro-life House of Representatives, and 25 pro-life Republican state capitals,” he said.
Trump later urged all activists and voters to work hard in the mid-term elections, citing the states that supported him for president that were being represented by Democrats.
“Democrats like to campaign as moderates, but when they get to Washington they vote for the radical Pelosi agenda down the line,” he said.
Susan B. Anthony List President, Marjorie Dannenfelser, also praised Trump as the “most pro-life president in history.”
“Many doubted, and that is understandable. We had been betrayed before and he had no record to run on,” she said, promising that pro-life activists would work tirelessly to elect pro-life officials to office.
“We must not have a Senate that is Republican, but is not pro-life,” she said.
Before starting his political career, Trump in 1999 said that while he hated the “concept of abortion,” he was “pro-choice.” However, as he campaigned for president, Trump positioned himself as an opponent of legalized abortion and took aim at Planned Parenthood, ultimately earning the support of conservative voters.
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