President Donald Trump on Wednesday bashed former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper for saying that the President should be happy the FBI spied on his campaign, Breitbart reported.
“No, James Clapper, I am not happy,” Trump tweeted. “Spying on a campaign would be illegal, and a scandal to boot!” he added.
Trump was responding to remarks made by Clapper on “The View.”
Co-host Joy Behar asked Clapper, who served as director of national intelligence from 2010-2017, if the FBI was spying on the Trump campaign, as the president has claimed.
“No, they were not,” Clapper said. “They were spying on, a term I don’t particularly like, but on what the Russians were doing. Trying to understand where the Russians infiltrating, trying to gain access, trying to gain leverage or influence which is what they do.”
“Well, why doesn’t like that? He should be happy,” Behar said, referring to Trump.
“He should be,” Clapper responded.
The last several days Trump has been claiming that an FBI informant was embedded within his campaign for political purposes.
Trump says that the Obama administration planted the individual in his campaign in an effort to help Hillary Clinton win the 2016 election.
Trump also said that this is “one of the biggest political scandals in history,” and called for the Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate the matter.
Meanwhile, the DOJ agreed to expand its inspector general probe to include “any irregularities with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s or the Department of Justice’s tactics concerning the Trump campaign.”
Trump on Wednesday also lashed out at the “criminal deep state” and continued to press his claim that a spy was embedded within his campaign, dubbing it “Spygate.”
“Look how things have turned around on the Criminal Deep State. They go after Phony Collusion with Russia, a made up Scam, and end up getting caught in a major SPY scandal the likes of which this country may never have seen before!” Trump tweeted.
“What goes around comes around!” he added.
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