On Monday, Melania Trump announced a new platform for combating multiple issues related to American children, showing that she is becoming more active in her role as the First Lady.
“I am very excited to announce Be Best, an awareness campaign dedicated to the most valuable and fragile among us — our children,” Trump said. “There is one goal to Be Best — and that is to educate children about the many issues they are facing today.”
Trump stated that the new platform would have three main areas of focus: well-being, social media use, and opioid abuse.
“Let us teach our children the difference between right and wrong, and encourage them to Be Best in their individual paths in life,” Trump said. “We can and should teach children the importance of social and self-awareness, positive relationship skills and responsible decision-making,” she said while addressing the well-being portion of the campaign.
She further added, “Social media can both positively and negatively affect our children. But too often, it is used in negative ways. When children learn positive online behaviors early on, social media can be used in productive ways and can affect positive change.”
Trump said that she first learned about “the real consequences of our nation’s opioid epidemic” during her husband’s White House bid, and added that she intends to “work with those who are fighting drug addiction.”
According to The New York Times, the far-reaching agenda announced in the White House’s Rose Garden nearly 16 months after her husband took office marks an unorthodox approach for a modern first lady. Previous first ladies focused their activities on specific, single subjects.
“The unique aspect to this rollout is that she’s not choosing just one topic as has been done in the past,” spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham said ahead of Monday’s announcement.
President Donald Trump, during the initiative’s launch, said,”America is truly blessed to have a first lady who is so devoted to our country and to our children.”
“Melania, your care and compassion for our nation’s children, and I have to say this, and I say it to you all the time, inspires us all,” the President said.
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