Republican Senator for Texas John Cornyn stated that he and several key Democratic senators are in the process of negotiating a deal on a legislation that will enforce additional gun control measures.
Cornyn added that he was having “good-faith negotiations” with Democratic Senators Chris Murphy and Richard Blumenthal in order to have enough votes on roughly four proposals, out of which one is the additional background checks measure that is supported by President Donald Trump.
“We’re talking to Senator Murphy, and others, Senator Blumenthal, there’s some other things they said they would like to have a vote on so we’re trying to figure out what those are and if it’s possible to come up with a reasonable list of four, you know two on each side, things we could vote on to get this done … this week,” he said.
Cornyn also noted that both sides have agreed to check back in with each other after the closed-door caucus lunches on Tuesday.
The pressure that has fallen upon Congress regarding gun control is a result of the latest school shooting where 17 people were killed in Parkland Florida. According to The Hill, the new legislation would also reinforce existing laws by ensuring that authorities report criminal records to the National Instant Background Check System (NICS) and penalize agencies that don’t provide the information to the FBI.
Meanwhile, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer stated on Monday that if Senate stops with only this legislation, of which he is a co-sponsor, that would amount to an “abject failure.”
“If all Congress does in response to the Parkland shooting is to pass the Fix NICS bill, it would be an abject failure and a dereliction of our duty,” Schumer said.
Schumer also added that Democrats will push for universal background checks, as well as closing the “the gun show and internet sales loopholes that allow guns to fall into the wrong hands.”
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